Pack 133's
Home Page

Cub Scout Pack 133
(Bena, Virginia)
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Cub Scout Pack 133

Welcome to Pack 133, based in Bena, Virginia!  We do our best to have fun while instilling the 12 core values of Cub Scouts into our boys.

We have a year-round program and regularly meet every Tuesday at 6 PM during the school year; and at special times during the summer--where we continue having fun!  We welcome all boys from 6-11 years old, or Kindergartens to fifth grade. Come join us for outdoor activities, hands on learning experiences and grand adventures! 

New Member Information

Again, WELCOME to our Pack!  You and your family are now part of us and our family--we work together, play together, and help each other out when needed.

When you joined our Pack, you should have been handed a Welcome Packet containing:
  1. A checkist of things we together need to check off complete for new members (including dues information and uniform needs)
  2. The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) medical forms.  Parts A&B are required to be on file with us at all times; Part C is to be filled out by a physician and is required for Webelos Resident Camp. Part D is not applicable to Cub Scouts.
  3. The Pack program year calendar overview
  4. Registration Form

Please be sure to sign/fill out forms and return them to your Leaders as soon as possible.  Copies of these forms are attached at the bottom of this section in case you need them again.

Icon File Name Comment  
Annual-Health-and-Medical-Record.pdf Current Medical Forms  
Pack 133 fy 17-18 calendar.docx  
Welcome to Pack 133 2017.docx